Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
2   Emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) from Agriculture
According to the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change-Assessment Report
4 (IPCC-AR4 2007 ), the agriculture sector had contributed 10-12 % of the total
anthropogenic GHG emissions in the year 2005. Since 1990, CH 4 and NO 2 emis-
sions from agriculture sector are rising at the alarming rate of 58 Mt CO 2 equiva-
lent/yr (US-EPA 2006a ). Agriculture sector's contribution is more significant when
emissions from individual sources are considered separately. The agriculture sector
contributed 58 % of the total N 2 O and 47 % of the total CH 4 emissions in the year
2005 (IPCC-AR4 2007 ). Emission from enteric fermentation and submerged rice
fields constitutes the major source of CH 4 whereas emission from soil constitutes
the single largest source worldwide (US-EPA 2006a ). Biomass burning and manure
management also account for a significant amount of global GHG emission. Net
CO 2 emission from agriculture sector is less than 1 % of the global anthropogenic
emission (US-EPA 2006b ). Terrestrial plants also emit methane, global flux 62-
263 Tg/yr, contributing 10-45 % of total global methane emissions (Keppler et al.
2006 ). Terrestrial plants emit methane through detached leaves as well as whole
plant (Keppler et al. 2006 ; Whiticar and Ednie 2007 ). Transpiration is the dominant
mechanism helping such emission pathway through leaves via xylem. Stiehl-Braun
et al. ( 2011 ) studied the spatial distribution of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB)
and proved that methane consumer bacteria can escape the effect of nitrogen (N)
fertilization by shifting their zone of activity into deeper soil layers. Nitrogen fer-
tilization and global methane cycling are interdependent and interlinked in both
wetland conditions as well as in upland situations. Methanogenic archaea in wet-
lands is one of the major sources of methane whereas upland soil is a major C sink
(Bodelier et al. 2011 ).
Developing countries contributed around 97 and 92 % of total global emissions
from rice production and burning of biomass while developed countries contributed
52 % of total GHG emission from manure management (US-EPA 2006a ). South and
East Asian nations contributed 82 % of the total CH 4 emissions while countries from
Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean have contributed about
74 % of total emissions from biomass burning. Yan et al. used the Tier-1 method
as described in IPCC (Eggleston et al. 2006 ) guidelines for estimating global meth-
ane emissions and Monte Carlo simulation for estimating the uncertainty range.
They have estimated that the total global CH 4 emission in the year 2000 was about
25.4 Tg/yr. They have further calculated that if all of the continuously flooded rice
fields were drained at least once during the growing season, a reduction of 4.1 Tg
CH 4 /yr could be possible (Table 3.1 ).
Jiang et al. ( 2000 ) used The Asian-Pacific Integrated Model for analyzing the long-
term Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios depending on alternative develop-
ment paths in the developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region. They have taken
into account four differeknt scenarios, namely Catch-Up Scenario ( Scenario C),
Domestic Supply Scenario (Scenario D), Short-cut Scenario (Scenario S) and Re-
gional Equity Scenario (Scenario E). They have estimated that the growth rate of
GHG emissions in the Asia-Pacific region is significantly higher than the overall
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