Agriculture Reference
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represent a major source of metal intake for human and livestock, an indepth un-
derstanding of these processes could help to ensure the accumulation of essential
nutrient metals and avoid entry of toxic metals in the food supply (Mendoza-Cózatl
et al. 2011 ). Furthermore, it would be interesting to know whether plants methylate
arsenic and if so what are the genes involved in the process (Zhao et al. 2010 ).
Advances in the analytical techniques for arsenicspeciation, their uptake and
transport have significantly increased our understanding of plant arsenic metabo-
lism. These analytical tools, which in combination with structural and functional
genomics approaches provide ample opportunities for unraveling the mechanisms
of arsenic transport, metabolism, and regulation, may translate in generation of
plants with least arsenic accumulation and tolerance against arsenic stress.
Abbas MHH, Meharg AA (2008) Arsenate, arsenite and dimethyl arsenic acid (DMA) uptake and
tolerance in maize ( Zea mays L). Plant and Soil 304:277-289
Abedin MJ, Feldmann J, Meharg AA (2002) Uptake kinetics of arsenic species in rice plants. Plant
Physiol 128:1120-1128
Ahsan N, Lee DG, Alam I et al. (2008) Comparative proteomic study of arsenic-induced differen-
tially expressed proteins in rice roots reveals glutathione plays a central role during As stress.
Proteomics 8:3561-3576
Asher CJ, Reay PF (1979) Arsenic uptake by barley seedlings. Aust J Plant Physiol 6:459-466
Bentley R, Chasteen TG (2002) Microbial methylation of metalloids: Arsenic, antimony, and bis-
muth. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 66:250-271
Bhattacharjee H, Rosen BP (2007) Arsenic metabolism in prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes.
In: Nies DH, Silver S (eds) Molecular microbiology of heavy metals. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Germany, pp 371-406
Bienert GP, Thorsen M, Schüssler MD et al. (2008) A subgroup of plant aquaporins facilitate the
bidirectional diffusion of As(OH)3 and Sb(OH)3 across membranes. BMC Biology 6:26
Bleeker PM, Hakvoort HWJ, Bliek M et al. (2006) Enhanced arsenate reduction by a CDC25-like
tyrosine phosphatase explains increased phytochelatin accumulation in arsenate-tolerant Hol-
cus lanatus. Plant J 45:917-929
Bucher M (2007) Functional biology of plant phosphate uptake at root and mycorrhiza interfaces.
New Phytologist 173:11-26
Catarecha P, Segura MD, Franco-Zorrilla JM et al. (2007) A mutant of the Arabidopsis phosphate
transporter PHT1;1 displays enhanced arsenic accumulation. Plant Cell 19:1123-1133
Cherian S, Oliveira MM (2005) Transgenic plants in phytoremediation: Recent advances and new
possibilities. Environ Sci Technol 39:9377-9390
Dasgupta T, Hossain SA, Meharg AA, Price AH (2004) An arsenate tolerance gene on chromo-
some 6 of rice. New Phytologist 163:45-49
Delnomdedieu M, Basti MM, Otvos JD, Thomas DJ (1994) Reduction and binding of arse-
nate and dimethylarsinate by glutathione-a magnetic resonance study. Chem Biol Interact
Dhankher OP, Li YJ, Rosen BP et al. (2002) Engineering tolerance and hyperaccumulation of
arsenic in plants by combining arsenate reductase and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase
expression. Nat Biotechnol 20:1140-1145
Dhankher OP, Rosen BP, McKinney EC, Meagher RB (2006) Hyperaccumulation of arsenic in
the shoots of Arabidopsis silenced for arsenate reductase (ACR2). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
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