Agriculture Reference
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alization of MSNs, which support site-targeted delivery of proteins, nucleotides and
chemicals in plant biotechnology.
The ability of carbon nanotubes to penetrate intact plant cell wall and cell mem-
brane has already been reported (Liu et al. 2009 ). Cellular uptake of SWCNT/fluo-
rescein isothiocyanate and SWNT/DNA conjugates revealed the ability of nano-
tubes to act as nanotransporters in walled plant cells. Utilizing carbon nanotubes as
nanotransporters for intact plant cells has significant importance in plant intracellu-
lar labeling and imaging, genetic transformation, and also in enhancing our knowl-
edge of plant cell biology. Thus the nanomaterial-mediated transformation methods
will provide great possibilities in developing disease resistant transgenic plants.
5   Detection of Plant Diseases Through Nanotechnology
One of the major problems associated with plant disease management is the detec-
tion of correct stage of disease. Most of the plant diseases are noticed at late stages
only, and so their prevention and control becomes a major challenge. Most of the
times, plant protection chemicals such as fungicides and pesticides are applied only
after the appearance of symptoms thus causing some significant crop losses. Hence,
it is essential to detect and diagnose plant diseases at their early stage itself, so
that plant protecting chemicals could be applied at correct dose at the right time
thus avoiding residual toxicity and environmental hazards. A smart collaboration
between plant pathology and nanotechnology could help in the early detection of
various fungal, bacterial and viral diseases in plants. Current detection techniques
take several days to identify plant diseases and hence, researchers are focusing on
simple detection techniques that give better results within a short period of time.
Also, many of the molecular systems for the detection of microorganisms are pri-
marily based on specific nucleotide probe detection or on specific antibodies and
such systems are highly sensitive and selective and hence mostly suited for labora-
tory uses only. In sustainable farming, detailed knowledge of the distribution of
diseases in the field is necessary, however it is very difficult to inspect each and
every plant in a large field area since it is highly laborious, time-consuming and
expensive too. Proper sensing systems that could detect and quantify pathogens in
defined positions of the field would help the growers in site-targeted and optimized
application of agrochemicals with minimal environmental hazards. In this scenario,
nano-biosensors, once installed in the field, could detect pathogens with high sensi-
tivity and specificity. Such nanosensors are highly potable systems with 'real-time'
monitoring of results. They do not need extensive sample preparations and detec-
tion is label-free also (Sadanandom and Napier 2010 ).
Cell biologists of Cornell University are investigating on nanofabrication tech-
nologies to understand how the fungi and bacteria feel their way on plant surface,
to induce infection (Mccandless 2011 ). Fungi distinguish minute differences on leaf
surface to decide where and when to infect. Researchers have simulated leaf surface
by microfabricating ridges on silicon wafers using electron beam lithography and
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