Biomedical Engineering Reference
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X = {
x(0), x(1), x(2),.....,x(N-1)
(a) Construct the coordinatematrix:
Y = {
y(0), y(1), y(2),.....,y(N-1)
(b) Constructmatrix fromexternal energy and information:
x (
t, t
2∆ t ) ,
B y (
t, t
2∆ t ) , where
B x denotes the x -
derivative values of the external energy ∂x E ext and
B y
∂y E ext . t represents the iteration index with separation t =1
for most cases.
(c) Solve
X = K 1 B x and
Y = K 1 B y
(d) iterations++
(e) ReSample Curve
2. End and fit spline to the final contour.
B. Pseudocode for Snake ComputationUsing Local Neighborhood
Energy-Based Approach
1. Input image I ( x, y )
2. Preprocessing
(a) Compute feature map (Input Image I )
i. Compute gradient map G =
G σ I
A. Normalize G
Compute regional information-based normalized feature
map F
3. Input discrete points
4. Define a contour through the sample points on the curve
5. Input parameter values for snake computation: α = strength of elas-
ticity; β = rigidity strength; γ = gradient strength; η = other factor (might
be regional or user-defined constraints). The number of parameters
introduced will be equal to the number of force fields used.
6. While (Iterations != Maximum Iterations)
(a) For (i=0; i < N; i++) /* N = Number Of Control Points */
i. Search the 3 × 3 neighborhood (for 2D)
A. Compute Energy due to all the factors at each neighbor-
B. Find the lowest energy neighborhood pixel
C. Assign the point to this lowest energy neighborhood
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