Biomedical Engineering Reference
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is the
necessity of satisfying the Schoenberg-Whitney conditions [24, ? ] to ensure that
the matrix
Implicit in the assignment of parameter values to the points in set
is positive definite and well conditioned. Suppose that the knot
vector of the fitting spline is given by
U 1 ,U 2 ,...,U m }
and the para-
meterization assigned to the s sample points of
for least-squares fitting is
U D = {
. Compliance with the Schoenberg-Whitney conditions
implies that there exists a set
u 1 ,u 2 ,...,u s }
U D = { u 1 ,...,u m }⊂
such that
U i < u i <U i + d +1
i =1 ,...,m
( d +1) .
This requirement in the presence of knots with multiplicity ( d +1)is relaxed to
U i u i <U i + d +1
U i = ... = U i + d <U i + d +1 ,
U i < u i
U i + d +1
U i <U i +1 = ... = U i + d +1 .
This requirement is easily extended to the case for higher-order NURBS objects
[ ? ].
3.2. Least-Squares Fitting with Polar NURBS
Closed periodic NURBS using the Cartesian formulation simply require repe-
tition of the first d control points, where d is the degree of spline. However, straight-
forward application to the φ coordinate of the cylindrical or prolate spheroidal-
based NURBS model would yield erroneous results because of the discontinuity
at φ =
π . This requires subtraction or addition of 2 π to the appropriate con-
trol point φ coordinates when the ordered set of control points crosses over this
discontinuity. Essentially, this is a type of phase unwrapping to ensure a smooth
transition across the φ -coordinate.
From a set of sample points, one of which is denoted by
φ i ), with the corresponding parametric value u i , one can construct a d -
degree closed NURBS curve using polar coordinates consisting of n distinct control
points. (The periodicity issue using both cylindrical and prolate spheroidal-based
closed NURBS is illustrated using polar coordinates. Polar coordinates are simply
the 2D analog of cylindrical coordinates and contain the φ coordinate inherent to
both 3D cooordinate systems.)
p i ( r i i )(
Assume, without loss of generality, that
n , where
φ denotes the φ coordinate of the control point
Due to the local support property of B-splines, each sample point influences, at
most, the location of ( d +1)control points. If this ordered set of control points,
beginning with
< ... <
π , a suiTable solution
is to add or subtract 2 π from the φ coordinate of the appropriate control points.
This necessitates modifying the general equation for calculating φ i ( u i ) to
P k , crosses over the discontinuity at φ =
k + d
j = k N h,d ( u i ) ψ h Q
φ i ( u i )=
k + d
j = k N h,d ( u i ) ψ h
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