Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 10. This illustrates the idea of moving the outer contour using the signed distance
function φ . Intersection of φ with plane z =0 represents the original contour, and its
intersection with plane z = d 1 represents the new boundary. See attached CD for color
partment ( V o ) are calculated for both dyslexic patients and normal control cases.
The obtained values are reported in Table 1. The means and standard deviations
for each category were calculated as well.
4.4. Statistical Analysis
The brain extraction and segmentation represent the basic preliminary work
that enables us to extract the white matter from each MRI stack. White matter
parcellation helped in obtaining the region of interest. Having segmented and
parcellated the white matter, the statistical analysis consists of the following steps:
1. The volumes of the whole white matter of all cases were calculated. The
means ( µ o 1 and µ o 2 ) and standard deviations ( σ w 1 and σ w 2 ) for the normal
and dyslexic groups, respectively, were calculated.
2. The volumes of the outer and inner compartments of the normal and control
cases were calculated. The means ( µ o 1 , µ i 1 , and µ o 2 , µ i 2 ) as well as
standard deviations ( σ o 1 , σ i 1 , and σ o 2 , σ i 2 ) were calculated.
3. Three hypotheses tests were performed to test the proposed concept.
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