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of implementing an alternative formulation for our work, but also to compare Level
Sets with T-Surfaces within its context.
To answer this question we must review some details of the Level Sets for-
mulation [8]. The main idea of this method is to represent the deformable surface
(or curve) as a zero level set x 3 | G ( x )=0 of an embedding function:
G : 3 × +
such that the deformable surface (also called the front in this formulation), at t =0,
is given by a surface S :
S ( t =0)= x
G ( x, t =0)=0 .
3 |
The next step is to find an Eulerian formulation for the front evolution. Fol-
lowing Sethian [8], let us suppose that the front evolves in the normal direction
with velocity F , where F may be a function of the curvature, normal direction,
We need an equation for the evolution of G ( x, t ), considering that the surface
S is the level set given by:
S ( t )= x
G ( x, t )=0 .
3 |
+ of the propagating front S . From its implicit
definition given above, we have
Let us take a point x ( t ), t
G ( x ( t ) ,t )=0 .
We can now use the Chain Rule to compute the time derivative of this equation:
G t + F
| =0 ,
where F
is called the speed function . An initial condition G ( x, t =0)is
required. A straightforward (and expensive) technique to define this function is to
compute a signed-distance function as follows:
G ( x, t =0)= ± d,
where d is the distance from x to the surface S ( x, t =0)and the signal indicates
if the point is interior (-) or exterior (+) to the initial front.
Finite-difference schemes, based on a uniform grid, can be used to solve
Eq. (13). The same entropy condition of T-Surfaces ( once a grid node is burnt it
stays burnt ) is incorporated in order to drive the model to the desired solution (in
fact, T-Surfaces was inspired by the Level Sets model [9]).
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