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Figure 3. T-Snake (white curve) and the marked grid nodes (spheres).
an efficient manner. Thus, we combined the advantages of a closer initialization
(through isosurfaces) and the advantages of using a topologically adaptable de-
formable model. These are the key ideas of our previous works [16, 15]. Let us
now examine some of the details.
At first, a Local Scale Property for the targets was supposed: given an object
O and a point p
O , let r p be the radius of a hyperball B p that contains p and
lies entirely inside the object. We assume that r p > 1 for all p
O . Hence, the
minimum of these radii ( r min ) is selected.
Thus, we can use r min to reduce the image's resolution without losing the
objects of interest. This idea is shown in Figure 4. In this simple example, we
have a threshold ( T< 150) that identifies the object and a CF triangulation whose
grid resolution is 10 × 10.
Figure 4. (a) Original image and Characteristic Function. (b) Boundary approximation.
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