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of Eq. (2), where T represents a time when a segmentation result is achieved. The
Perona-Malik function g
IR 0
IR + is nonincreasing, g (0)=1, admitting
g ( s ) 0 for s
[21]. Usually we use the function g ( s )=1 / (1 + Ks 2 ),
C ( IR d
0. G σ
) is a smoothing kernel, e.g., the Gauss function
(4 πσ ) d/ 2
e −|x| 2 / 4 σ ,
G σ ( x )=
which is used in pre-smoothing of image gradients by the convolution
ξ ) I 0 ( ξ ) dξ,
I 0 =
G σ
G σ ( x
IR d
with I 0 the extension of I 0 to IR d given by periodic reflection through the boundary
of the image domain. The computational domain Ω is usually a subdomain of
the image domain, and it should include the segmented object. In fact, in most
situations Ω corresponds to the image domain itself. Due to the properties of
function g and the smoothing effect of convolution, we always have 1 g 0
ν σ > 0 [22, 24]. In [51, 53], the existence of a viscosity solution [54] of the
curvature driven level set equation [11], i.e., Eq. (1) with g 0 1, was proven. For
analytical results on Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, we refer the reader to [47, 45]
and [49, 55], respectively.
Our computational method for solving the subjective surface segmentation
equation (2) uses an efficient and unconditionally stable semi-implicit time dis-
cretization, first introduced for solving level set-like problems in [16], and a three-
dimensional complementary volume spatial discretization introduced in [56] for
image processing applications. In this section we present the serial algorithm of
our method, and in the next section we introduce its parallel version suitable for
a massively parallel computer architecture using the message passing interface
For time discretization of nonlinear diffusion equations there are basically
three possibilities: implicit, semi-implicit, or explicit schemes. For spatial dis-
cretization usually finite differences [13, 14], finite volumes [57, 58, 59, 26], or
finite-element methods [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 30, 24] are used. The co-volume tech-
nique (also called the complementary volume or finite volume-element method)
is a combination of the finite-element and finite-volume methods. The discrete
equations are derived using the finite-volume methodology , i.e., integrating an
equation into the so-called control (complementary, finite) volume. Very often the
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