Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Chemical Synthesis of
Carbonates, Esters, and
Acetals from Soybean Oil
USDA, ARS, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Bio-Oils
Research Unit, 1815 N. University Street, Peoria, IL 61604, USA y
2.1 Use of Natural Oils
Lack of petroleum 1 and life cycle 2 aretwoofthephenomenathatyou
faithful readers have encountered and will undoubtedly encounter
repeatedly in this topic. Mercifully, they will not be mentioned again, at
least in this chapter. On the surface, the search for ''Green Materials from
Plant Oils'' seems to be an easy task. Just pull a leaf off of the tree in your
yard or the plant in your oce, and squeeze. There you have it, green
material. Now, if one wishes to find a useful green material, well, that is a
bit more of a story.
A good starting point originated about a decade ago when the ''Principles
of Green Chemistry'' 3,4 were laid out in a manner suitable for all to read.
Some of these such as: the avoidance of unnecessary derivatization,
the production of substances of low toxicity, and use of catalytic reagents
y Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of
providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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