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x The family “ 2s5 ” corresponds to a case discussed in extenso in Chaps. 4 and ,
i.e. that of semitotalistic cells supposed to operate on a 2D grid and having five
neighbors (in a typical von Neumann neighborhood, as indicated in Fig. 3.1).
Note that the same family of cells (as functions and ID) can be labeled “ 1s5
when the cells are supposed to operate on a 1D grid. s expected, identical IDs
will produce different emergent effects when used in different grids or
x The family “ 2s9 ” has 2 18 members (i.e. almost a quarter of a million) and it in-
cludes a “famous” individual, the cell for the “ame of ife” [23], having
ID6,12. It was also proved to generate a cellular automata acting as an uni-
versal Turing machine. The same family of cells can be embedded into a 1D
CA grid and then it is labeled “ 1s9 ” instead. One may also imagine a 3D CA
grid for the same family of cells and consequently the family is labeled “ 3s9 ”.
3.8 A CA Simulator for All Kind of Cells
In what follows, a atlab program for simulating all kind of cells, according to
the taxonomy presented above, is presented.
function [x0]=ca_sim(name,typ,steps,ID,dig,vis,f)
% name=file name (e.g. 'ran12') containing the initial state (and the CA array
% typ= string with three characters e.g. 2s9 (2- 2D, s=semitot, 9 neighborhood)
% steps = number of iterations to run the CA
% ID = specification of cell
% dig =1 binary cell , 0 continuously valued cell
% vis =1 visualization of the evolution, 0 not visualized
% f fraction of cells (according to Small World model) f=0 for the cellular model
% Copyright Radu Dogaru, March 2007,
if tip=='t'
elseif tip=='s'
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