Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter summary
Email clients
Listservs for group discussions (focus groups)
Mail storage/management
Using email for interviewing, focus groups, and surveying
Electronic mail (email) is perhaps the oldest method of computer-based
communication and is widely available in one form or another. It can be used
for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many communication. In online
social research, the use of email has been one of the traditional methods
for soliciting and collecting data for studies. Typical uses have been the distri-
bution and collection of surveys, conducting interviews and conducting focus
groups. These three roles have distinct needs from email.
The multiple recipients reply (if they do) to the sender and the interaction
ends, though follow-up is possible.
Interviews consist of an exchange of multiple messages between (usually)
two users.
Focus groups usually take the form of a discussion initiated by a sender
with several recipients and may involve many exchanges and possible
topic changes.
technologies and email software applications with the aim of considering how
they apply to the collection of data.
Email technology background
Email is a “store and forward” technology. Messages are composed by the
sender and transmitted to a mail server and, after perhaps several hops,
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