Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3.2 Definition and description of several data sets to create drainage networks (modified
and summarized based on the Arc Hydro tools manual)
Data set
Definition & objective
DEM reconditioning
To modify the DEM based on observed drainage networks
Fill sink
To fill the sinks in a grid
Flow direction
To calculate the direction of flow for each grid
Flow accumulation
To analyze the flow accumulation grid that contains the accumulated
number of cells located in the upstream of a selected cell
Stream definition
To define a stream grid value as ''1'' for all the cells in the input flow
accumulation grid that have a value greater than the given threshold.
The rest of cells in the stream grid contain no data or zero
Stream segmentation
To define a grid of stream segments with unique identification
Catchment grid
To create a grid code indicating to which catchment the cell belongs
Catchment polygon
To create the raster and the vector data stored in a feature dataset named
Drainage line
To convert the input stream link grid into a drainage line feature class
Table 3.3 Error Matrix resulting from the comparison between modeled and observed drainage
networks (modified table according to Peralvo [ 7 ])
No River
Correct river
Omission error
d Correct no river
a Representing agreement in river in both modeled and observed is ''correct river''
b Representing river in observed not defined as such in the modeled river showing ''omission
c Commission error
No River
Representing river in modeled not present in observed indicate ''commission error''
Agreement in non river in modeled and observed river indicate ''correct no river''
The results of modeled and observed drainage networks derived from all
interpolation methods were estimated visually and tallied into an error matrix
(Table 3.3 ).
According to Table 3.3 , representing agreement in river in both modeled and
observed is ''correct river''; representing river in observed not defined as such in
the modeled river showing ''omission error''; representing river in modeled not
present in observed indicate ''commission error'', and agreement in nonriver in
modeled and observed river indicate ''correct no river''. Regeneration of DEM,
visual interpretation, and hill shade analysis was done to check any unnecessary
pits or sinks in the surface.
Additionally, Arc Hydro tools were applied to generate drainage networks
correctly and to perform pour point tests to check any unnatural variations within
the train.
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