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Example 12-8 R1 Final BGP Configuration (Continued)
neighbor IPv6_RRC peer-group
neighbor IPv6_RRC remote-as 65000
neighbor IPv6_RRC update-source Loopback0
neighbor IPv6_RRC route-reflector-client
neighbor peer-group IPv4_RR
neighbor peer-group IPv4_RR
neighbor peer-group IPv4_RRC
neighbor 2001:400:0:701::701 remote-as 65001
neighbor 2001:400:0:1234::2 peer-group IPv6_RR
neighbor 2001:400:0:1234::3 peer-group IPv6_RR
neighbor 2001:400:0:1234::6 peer-group IPv6_RRC
neighbor remote-as 65001
no auto-summary
address-family ipv6
neighbor IPv6_RR activate
neighbor IPv6_RRC activate
neighbor IPv6_RRC route-reflector-client
neighbor 2001:400:0:701::701 activate
neighbor 2001:400:0:701::701 prefix-list FILTER_IN in
neighbor 2001:400:0:1234::2 peer-group IPv6_RR
neighbor 2001:400:0:1234::3 peer-group IPv6_RR
neighbor 2001:400:0:1234::6 peer-group IPv6_RRC
no synchronization
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 5 permit 2001:400::/29
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 10 permit 2001:600::/29
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 15 permit 2001:800::/29
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 20 permit 3FFE::/16
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 25 permit 2002::/16
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 30 permit ::/80
ipv6 prefix-list FILTER_IN seq 35 deny ::/0
The R1 configuration uses peer groups for the iBGP peers. IPv4 and IPv6 must be in
separate peer groups because of update replication, as discussed in Chapter 3, “Tuning BGP
Performance.” Also, an external peer with a prefix list is applied inbound to permit only
prefixes from currently assigned address blocks.
Example 12-9 shows the final BGP configuration of R6.
Example 12-9 R6 Final BGP Configuration
router bgp 65000
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
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