Environmental Engineering Reference
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We see that the allowed energies increase as the square of the integer quantum
number n , and that the energies increase also quadratically as L is decreased, Ea
(1/ L ) 2 .
The condition for allowed values of k¼np / L is equivalent to L¼nl /2, the same
condition that applies to waves on a violin string.
These formulas are easily extended to the three-dimensional box of side L ,by
taking a product of wavefunctions (2.16) for x , y , and z , and by adding energies in
Equation 2.15 according to n 2
¼ n x þn y þn z .
This exact solution of this simple problem illustrates typical quantum behavior in
which there are discrete allowed energies and corresponding wavefunctions. The
wavefunctions do not precisely locate a particle, they only provide statements on the
probability of finding a particle in a given range.
The conversion of the 1D picture to a spherical finite potential well V(r) of radius a in
the case of zero angular momentum gives
2 m ¼ n 2 h 2
8 ma 2
E n 0 ¼ h
n ¼ 1
; ...
ð 2
17 Þ
n 00 ðrÞ¼ð 2 paÞ 1 = 2
½ sin ðnpr
ð 2
18 Þ
The spherical polar coordinates are
x ¼ r sin cos w; y ¼ r sin sin w; z ¼ r cos :
Here, we are looking at portions of the solutions that are independent of the angles,
fully spherically symmetric solutions.
If the value of the potential at r ¼ a is a finite value V o , then it is found that there are
no bound states for
8 ma 2
V o < h
ð 2
19 Þ
Alternatively, we can take this as a statement that to have a single bound state, the
potential strength V o must be at least h
2 /8ma 2 .
This is not an obvious result to obtain , but it is simple, similar to the 1D case for its
energy formula, and easily remembered. The solutions for such a nite potential well,
in either the 1D or the spherical cases, are more dif cult mathematically than the
in nite potential well described above. Here, the allowed quantum states (wavefunc-
tions and energies E
0) are obtained by requiring that the wavefunctions match in
amplitude and in slope at r ¼ a . Inside, we have
1 ( r ) ¼A (sin( kr ))/ r , (Equation 2.18)
and outside we have
2 ðrÞ¼D exp ð k rÞ=r:
ð 2 : 19a Þ
Here, k ¼ h 1 (2 m ( E þ V o )) 1/2 and k ¼ h 1 ( 2 mE ) 1/2 . The solutions of a
transcendental equation are needed, and must be found numerically or graphically:
cot z ¼ (( z o / z ) 2
1) 1/2 , where z o ¼ h
1 (2 mV o ) 1/2 a . There is no solution if z o ¼ h
(2 mV o ) 1/2 a
<p /2, which is equivalent to (2.19). Formore details the readermay refer
to the text by Grif ths [21].
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