Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement
L. F. De Filippis
Abstract Bioinformatic resources and web databases are essential for the most
effective use of genetic, proteomic, metabolomic and phenome information impor-
tant in increasing agricultural crop productivity. Innovations in web based platforms
for omics based research, and application of such information has provided the
necessary platform to promote molecular based research in model plants, as well
as important crop plants. Combinations of multiple omics web based sites and inte-
gration of outcomes is now an important strategy to identify molecular systems
promoting comparative genomics, the biological properties in many species, and
to accelerate gene discovery and functional analyses. The review details recent
advances in plant omics data acquisition sites, together with relevant databases
and advance molecular technology under clear biological categories. The informa-
tion is set out under the molecular biology divisions of; DNA based resources and
sequencing, RNA and variation analysis, proteomics, structural proteins, and post-
translation modifications, metabolomics, phenome and plant comparative analyses.
Tables of relevant web sites are presented under similar headings for convenience,
and the application of bioinformation data is reviewed in light of the possible use
of these resources for crop improvement. Finally, a long list of future perspectives
and research still to be attempted is detailed, which in the fullness of time should
enable the full potential of bioinformatics and use in crop improvement programs
to be achieved.
Sustainable agricultural production and food security are two important issues of
concern in response to population increase, environmental degradation and climate
change (Brown and Funk 2008 ; Turner et al. 2009 ). According to the United Na-
tions, the world population increases by 70-75 million people annually, an aver-
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