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Table 16.2   Some Atriplex species and their isolated compounds
Chemical content
A. portulacoides Phenolic compounds
Boughalleb et al. 2009
A. inflata
Phenolic compounds
Boughalleb et al. 2009
A. halimus
Tanins, alkaloids, saponins, ascorbic acid
Benhammou et al. 2009
A. lentiformis Quercetin 6,4′-dimethoxy-3-fructo rhamnoside,
quercetin 4′-methoxy-3-fructo rhamnoside,
kaempferol-4′-methoxy-rutinoside, kaemp-
ferol 7-rhamnoside, kaempferol 3,7-dirhamno-
side, quercetin and kaempferol
Awaad et al. 2012
A. nummularia Vit E, Vit A, saponins, polypodine, 20
Keckeis et al. 2000
A. hortensis
Kaempferol 3- O -sulphate-7- O arabinopyranoside
quercetin 3- O -sulphate-7- O -arabinopyranoside
Bylka et al. 2001
A. littoralis
Patuletin 3- O -β-D-glucopyranoside, patule-
tin 3- O [5′′′- O -feruloyl-β-D-apiofuranosyl
Bylka 2004
A. farinosa
Naringin, naringenin 7-O-glucoside, isorhamnetin
3-O-rhamnosyl (1-6) glucopyranoside and
isorhamnetin 7-O-glucopyranoside
Al-Jaber et al. 1992
A. stocksii
Ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, β-amyrin,
β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, atriplexinol
Siddiqui et al. 1994
regarded as a source of Vit A (Siddiqui et al. 1994 ). The arial parts of A. hortensis
were used in flak medicine against diseases of respiratory tract, digestive and uri-
nary systems, and due to their analgestic properties, in rheumatism (Bylka et al.
2001 ). A. halimus is effective in the treatment of type II diabetic patients (Bakh-
tiuary 2011 ) and it used in veterinary medicine to combat internal parasites. Extracts
of A.confertifolia has significant bioactivity against human breast cancer cell lines;
the bioactivity of A. confertifolia extract on these cells was compared to a FDA-
approved cancer drug (Onxol ® ) and an industry-standard leukocyte control cell line.
A dose-response curve of the extracts displayed significant cell death similar to
Onxol ® (Capua et al. 2010 ). Boughalleb et al. ( 2009 ) reported that many Atriplex
species (  A. inflate and A. portulacoides ) may contain phytochemical compounds
with fungicide properties.
Several studies attributed the anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflamatory, antifongique
and antioxydants activities potential of plant extracts to their bioactive compounds
compositions (Ksouri et al. 2011 ). Chemical investigation of the species of the
genus Atriplex (Table 16.2 ) showed the presence of saponin glycosides, alkaloids,
ascorbic acid and phytoecdysteroids (Keckeis et al. 2000 ). Benhammou et al.
( 2009 ) reported that A. halimus leaves and stems were characterized by the pres-
ence of the flavonoids, the tannins, the alkaloids and the sponins where the leaves
exhibited the higher yields. Bylka et al. ( 2001 ) isolated from leaves of A. hortensis
tow relatively rare sulphated flavonoids: kaempferol 3- O- sulphate-7- O- arabinopy-
ranoside and quercetin 3- O -sulphate-7- O -arabinopyranoside (belong the group of
compounds easily soluble in water) and a new acetylated flavonol glycoside from
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