Agriculture Reference
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The flow of cell cycling under stress must be maintained to alleviate the effects
of stress on plant growth. Cellular cycling and integrity is important for cellular
communication and signaling, particularly under stress. Using the proteomic analy-
sis, Sobhanian et al. ( 2010 ) indicated the responsive proteins in soybean, which are
expressed during salinity. They found that under salinity, the related proteins are
mostly down regulated. The results of their study showed that NaCl down regulated
the activity of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase at both protein and m-
RNA levels in soybean. In addition, Kinesin is a large family of proteins affecting
microtubule activities and hence cell cycling (Liu et al. 1996 ) and its up regulation
under saline conditions indicate its role in the alleviation of stress.
Using hydroponic growing medium, Martins et al. ( 2008 ) indicated that drought
significantly decreased the mitotic activities of root cells as the expression of the
related genes was altered. Drought stress can markedly decrease the rate of photo-
synthesis, followed by stomatal closure and increased temperature. As a result of
cellular dehydration and increased leaf temperature, electron pathways are changed
during respiration, significantly decreasing the rate of ATP production in mitochon-
dria and hence the rate of photosynthesis (Flexas et al. 2004 ; Ribas-Carbo et al.
2005 ).
Plant initiates its response to stress at molecular level resulting in the alteration
of the related genes. For the start of gene expression under stress some transcrip-
tional elements like clone A2B3-2, which is a helix-loop-helix with a putative basic
(bHLH) is necessary. Such bHLH proteins are transcription factors with so many
genes (Dey and Harborne 1997 ; Lewin 2000 ; Chen et al. 2002 ). Accordingly, if the
related transcription factors are modified, it may be likely to enhance plant toler-
ance to stress (Jaglo-Ottosen et al. 1998 ).
There are carrier proteins, which are able to move carrier monomers in the cel-
lular bilayers (Cleves et al. 1991 ). Such kinds of proteins are able to influence the
transduction pathways, the related signal molecules, and the movement of mol-
ecules across the cellular membrane (Kapranov et al. 2001 ). Such proteins can also
regulate different cellular activities including perception, division and development
as well as stomatal activities. However, drought may alter the structure and activi-
ties of such proteins and plant hormones (Martins et al. 2008 ).
Soybean and Acidity
Acidic and infertile soils including Oxisols and Ultisols are widely distributed in the
humid areas covering about 1.6 × 10 9 ha of tropical soils worldwide (Sanchez and
Salinas 1981 ). High rain leaches the alkaline cations in the soil and results in the
high rate of weathering producing iron and aluminum oxides. Soils are subjected
to pH fluctuations usually ranging from 4 to 10. There is a wide range of alkaline
soils adversely affecting plant growth and the process of N-fixation. Under alkaline
conditions low precipitation and the accumulation of anions such as carbonate and
bicarbonate and cations such as calcium and magnesium increases soil pH, affect-
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