Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 11
From Agronomy to Molecular Genetics and 
Proteomics in an Effort to Improve Nitrogen 
Use Efficiency in Crops
Ruby Chandna and Khalid Rehman Hakeem
Abstract Agriculture plays significant role in the sustaining human society among
most of the developing countries. The agricultural practices are dependent on the
application of the nitrogenous fertilizers. The excessive application of nitrogenous
fertilizer contributes enormously to the environmental pollution. So, in today's sce-
nario there is growing need to reduce N fertilizer applications thereby improving
plant's N-use efficiency (NUE). Initially, various studies have been carried out to
improve inputs of N fertilizers interaction with soil, water and air but low efficiency
of the plant to make use of available N has initiated biological interferences. In this
article, we will be discussing the possible technologies applied towards understand-
ing the genetic control of nitrogen use efficiency and its improvement in crops. The
classification/identification of suitable target candidates like phenotypes, genotypes
or molecular markers, for the upgrading of NUE poses big confront. Therefore, it
is necessary to understand NUE and its importance with respect to economy and
environment. Also, to figure out the diverse approaches for progress towards NUE
enhancement and possibilities for future development.
The rate at which India's population is growing it is expected to reach up to a
total of 1.5 billion by the year 2030 (FAO 2008 ).Over the next few decades food
security will be a major concern in India. However, there are limited options to meet
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