Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 7.1   Protocol for resis-
tant trait transfer from desired
Ae. tauschii accession into
an elite but susceptible T.
aestivum cultivar by “direct
attributed to the Ae. tauschii accession. Therefore, the accession can be selected
from such synthetics for a trait and used in direct crosses.
Innovative Use of Resistance Pyramiding within “D” 
Genome Synthetics
Underutilized but with a high potential is the modus operandi is combining resis-
tances identified in two divergent D genome synthetics for a biotic stress that adds
efficiency to pre-breeding/breeding. Divergent synthetics with resistance contribu-
tion from two accessions are first crossed and their F1's superior resistance perfor-
mance than either parent detected. The F1 upon selfing generates a segregating F2
population from which superior plants with resistance resembling the F1 and bet-
ter than either parent in the cross are selected. Representative tillers detached and
doubled haploids produced, which upon further seed increase and screening will
have value additive of the two synthetic parents in the DH derivatives (Fig. 7.2 ). In-
tegrated in this scheme could be the DNA profile of both SHs of the cross to ensure
that DNA polymorphism is prevalent extended further to genes in either parent that
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