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Islam is India's largest minority religion, followed by approximately 13.4% of the popula-
tion. It's believed that Islam was introduced to northern India by Muslim rulers (in the 16th
and 17th centuries the Mughal empire controlled much of North India) and to the south by
Arab traders.
Islam was founded in Arabia by the Prophet Mohammed in the 7th century AD. The Ar-
abic term islam means to surrender, and believers (Muslims) undertake to surrender to the
will of Allah (God), which is revealed in the scriptures, the Quran. In this monotheistic reli-
gion, God's word is conveyed through prophets (messengers), of whom Mohammed was
the most recent.
Following Mohammed's death, a succession dispute split the movement, and the legacy
today is the Sunnis and the Shiites. Most Muslims in India are Sunnis. The Sunnis emphas-
ise the 'well-trodden' path or the orthodox way. Shiites believe that only imams (exemplary
leaders) can reveal the true meaning of the Quran.
All Muslims, however, share a belief in the Five Pillars of Islam: the shahada (declara-
tion of faith: 'There is no God but Allah; Mohammed is his prophet'); prayer (ideally five
times a day); the zakat (tax), in the form of a charitable donation; fasting (during Ramadan)
for all except the sick, young children, pregnant women, the elderly and those undertaking
arduous journeys; and the haj (pilgrimage) to Mecca, which every Muslim aspires to do at
least once.
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