Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» Population: 380,000
» Area: 8248 sq km
» Telephone code: 03192
» Main languages: Hindi, Bengali, Tamil
» Sleeping prices: $ below ?800, $$ ?800 to ?2500, $$$ above ?2500
Sea breezes keep temperatures within the 23°C to 31°C range and the humidity at around
80% all year. It's very wet during the southwest (wet) monsoon between roughly mid-
May and early October, while the northeast (dry) monsoons between November and
December also have their fair share of rainy days.
Geography & Environment
The islands form the peaks of the Arakan Yoma, a mountain range that begins in Western
Myanmar (Burma) and extends into the ocean running all the way to Sumatra in Indone-
The isolation of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands has led to the evolution of many en-
demic plant and animal species. Of 62 identified mammals, 32 are unique to the islands,
including the Andaman wild pig, crab-eating macaque, masked palm civet, and species of
tree shrews and bats. Of the islands' 250 bird species, 18 are endemic, including ground-
dwelling megapodes, hawabills (swiftlets) and the emerald Nicobar pigeon. The isolated
beaches are breeding grounds for turtles; rivers are prowled by saltwater crocodiles.
Dangers & Annoyances
Crocodiles are a way of life in many parts of the Andamans, particularly Little Andaman,
Wandoor, Baratang and North Andaman. The death of an American tourist who was at-
tacked by a saltwater crocodile while snorkelling in Havelock in 2010 (at Neils Cove near
Beach 7) was considered extremely unusual, and remains an isolated incident. There have
been no sightings since, but a high level of vigilance remains in place. It's important you
keep informed, heed any warnings by authorities and avoid being in the water at dawn or
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