Database Reference
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Because I have two clusters, I get the following output:
PS C:\> Get-AzureHDInsightCluster -SubscriptionId $subid -Certificate $cert
Name : datadork
ConnectionUrl :
State : Running
CreateDate : 8/16/2013 9:19:09 PM
UserName : admin
Location : East US
ClusterSizeInNodes : 4
Name : democluster
ConnectionUrl :
State : Running
CreateDate : 6/26/2013 6:59:30 PM
UserName : admin
Location : East US
ClusterSizeInNodes : 4
To provision a cluster, you need to specify a storage account. The HDInsight cmdlets will need to get the
key for your storage account dedicated to the cluster. If you remember, I am using my storage account, called
hdinsightstorage , for all my clusters. Issuing the following PowerShell command will populate the cmdlet variable
with the storage account key:
$key1 = Get-AzureStorageKey hdinsightstorage | %{ $_.Primary }
On successful access to the storage account key, you will see messages similar to the following ones:
PS C:\> $key1 = Get-AzureStorageKey hdinsightstorage | %{ $_.Primary }
VERBOSE: 8:50:29 AM - Begin Operation: Get-AzureStorageKey
VERBOSE: 8:50:34 AM - Completed Operation: Get-AzureStorageKey
If you provide the wrong storage account name or one that belongs to a different subscription, you might get
error messages like the following ones while trying to acquire the storage account key:
PS C:\> $key1 = Get-AzureStorageKey hdinsightstorage | %{ $_.Primary }
VERBOSE: 1:30:18 PM - Begin Operation: Get-AzureStorageKey
Get-AzureStorageKey : "An exception occurred when calling the ServiceManagement API. HTTP Status
Code: 404.
ServiceManagement Error Code: ResourceNotFound.
Message: The storage account 'hdinsightstorage' was not found.. OperationTracking
if you have multiple subscriptions, you can use Set-AzureSubscription -DefaultSubscription
"<Your_Subscription_Name>" to set to default subscription in powershell where your cluster storage accounts reside.
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