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.First(item => item.Thumbprint == Constants.thumbprint);
var creds = new HDInsightCertificateCredential(Constants.subscriptionId, cert);
var client = HDInsightClient.Connect(creds);
var clusters = client.ListClusters();
foreach (var item in clusters)
Console.WriteLine("Cluster: {0}, Nodes: {1}", item.Name, item.ClusterSizeInNodes);
Following are the first two lines of code. They connect to the X509 certificate store in read-only mode.
var store = new X509Store();
Next is a statement to load the Azure certificate based on the thumbprint:
var cert = store.Certificates.Cast<X509Certificate2>().First(item =>
item.Thumbprint == Constants.thumbprint);
After loading the certificate, our next step is to create a client object based on the credentials obtained from the
subscription ID and the certificate. We do that using the following statement:
var creds = new HDInsightCertificateCredential(Constants.subscriptionId, cert);
var client = HDInsightClient.Connect(creds);
Then we enumerate the HDInsight clusters under the subscription. The following lines grab the cluster collection
and loops through each item in the collection:
var clusters = client.ListClusters();
foreach (var item in clusters)
Console.WriteLine("Cluster: {0}, Nodes: {1}",
item.Name, item.ClusterSizeInNodes);
The WriteLine call within the loop prints the name of each cluster and its respective nodes.
You can run this code to list out your existing clusters in a console window. You need to add a call to this
ListClusters() function in your Main() method and run the application. Because I have a couple of clusters
deployed, I see the output shown in Figure 4-6 when I execute the preceding code.
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