Database Reference
In-Depth Information
There are NuGet packages for HDInsight that need to be added to your solution. Starting with Visual Studio 2013,
the version that I am using to build the samples for this topic, NuGet is included in every edition (except Team
Foundation Server) by default. If you are developing on a Visual Studio 2010 platform or for some reason you cannot
find it in Visual Studio 2013, you can download the extension from the following link.
Once you download the extension, you will have a NuGet.Tools.vsix file, which is a Visual Studio Extension.
Execute the file and the VSIX installer will install the Visual Studio add-in. Note that you will need to restart Visual
Studio if it is already running after the add-in installation. This add-in will enable you to import the NuGet packages
for HDInsight in your Visual Studio application.
Adding the NuGet Packages
To use the HDInsight NuGet packages, you need to create a solution first. Since we are going perform the
cluster-management operations that we can see from the Azure portal, a console application is good enough to
demonstrate the functionalities. Launch Visual Studio 2013, and choose to create a new C# Console Application from
the list of available project types, as shown in Figure 4-1 .
Figure 4-1. New C# console application
Once the solution is created, open the NuGet Package Manager Console to import the required packages,
as shown in Figure 4-2 .
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