Database Reference
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If you wish to display the Logical, Physical, and MapReduce execution plans for the FILTEREDLEVELS object,
you can now issue the following command: EXPLAIN FILTEREDLEVELS . This command should produce output similar
to that in Listing 13-17.
Listing 13-17. The Explain command
2013-11-22 18:30:55,721 [main] WARN org.apache.pig.PigServer -
Encountered Warning IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_CHARARRAY 1 time(s).
2013-11-22 18:30:55,723 [main] WARN org.apache.pig.PigServer -
Encountered Warning USING_OVERLOADED_FUNCTION 1 time(s).
# New Logical Plan:
FILTEREDLEVELS: (Name: LOStore Schema: LOGLEVEL#78:chararray)
|---FILTEREDLEVELS: (Name: LOFilter Schema: LOGLEVEL#78:chararray)
| |
| (Name: Not Type: boolean Uid: 80)
| |
| |---(Name: IsNull Type: boolean Uid: 79)
| |
| |---LOGLEVEL:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 78 Input: 0 Column: 0)
|---LEVELS: (Name: LOForEach Schema: LOGLEVEL#78:chararray)
| |
| (Name: LOGenerate[false] Schema: LOGLEVEL#78:chararray)
| | |
| | (Name: UserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.REGEX_EXTRACT) Type: chararray Uid: 78)
| | |
| | |---(Name: Cast Type: chararray Uid: 74)
| | | |
| | | |---(Name: Project Type: bytearray Uid: 74 Input: 0 Column: (*))
| | |
| | |---(Name: Constant Type: chararray Uid: 76)
| | |
| | |---(Name: Constant Type: int Uid: 77)
| |
| |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: #74:bytearray)
|---LOGS: (Name: LOLoad Schema: null)RequiredFields:null
# Physical Plan:
FILTEREDLEVELS: Store(fakefile:org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage) - scope-57
|---FILTEREDLEVELS: Filter[bag] - scope-53
| |
| Not[boolean] - scope-56
| |
| |---POIsNull[boolean] - scope-55
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