Database Reference
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Figure 10-11. Creating the ADO .NET source
oDBC source and oDBC Destination are a pair of data-flow components that included with ssIs 2012. the lack
of direct ssIs oDBC components was always a complaint from customers regarding the product; hence, Microsoft
partnered with attunity to make these components available as a part of the product. though the oDBC source component
supports many oDBC-compliant data sources, it does not currently support the hive oDBC driver. today, the only option to
consume the hive oDBC driver from ssIs is via the components.
Right-click the ADO.NET source and select Edit to configure the source to connect to the target Hive table using
the connection you just created. Select the connection manager (I named it Hive Connection ) and the Hive table (in
this case, it's the stock_analysis table you created in Chapter 8) as shown in Figure 10-12 .
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