Database Reference
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Next we need to change our entry property type from NSString to CTEntry .
@property (assign) CTEntry *entry;
The last thing we need to do is change our configureCellForEntry:withDelegate method to
first take a CTEntry as the first parameter instead of NSString . We also want to change the
implementation to reflect the use of the CTEntry object.
-(void)configureCellForEntry:(CTEntry *)entry withDelegate:(id<EntryCollectionViewCellDelegate>)
delegate {
if(entry == nil)
_entry = entry;
_delegate = delegate;
if([[_entry metadata] thumbnail])
_imgPhoto.image = [[_entry metadata] thumbnail];
_imgPhoto.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"ImgCellNoImage"];
_lblDisplayName.text = [[_entry metadata] displayName];
The main difference here is that we are peeking into the metadata object inside our entry object to
get the thumbnail and the display name.
We are almost done implementing our CTDocument . The last thing we need to do is modify
our FriendDetailViewController so that we can view and edit the document. Open up
FriendDetailViewController.h and add the class declaration for CTDocument :
@class CTDocument;
Now let's add another property for a CTDocument :
@property (strong, nonatomic) CTDocument *document;
Moving over to FriendDetailViewController.m we need to add an import statement for
CTDocument.h .
#import "CTDocument.h"
Next we need to modify configureView to now look like this:
- (void)configureView {
_txtFirstName.text = [_document firstName];
_txtLastName.text = [_document lastName];
_txtDisplayName.text = [_document displayName];
_txtFavoriteNumber.text = [[_document favoriteNumber] stringValue];
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