Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1
Cloud Database
Development — The Basics
Just so we can start at the same place, I want to cover a quick overview of database development.
Since database development can be a topic of its own, understanding it is key, as it is the backbone
of the journey that will take place in this topic. I won't go too extensively into the topic but want to
at least cover the basics for getting us started on the path of developing an iCloud application.
I expect people reading this topic to be somewhat knowledgeable of databases and how they work.
This chapter serves as a refresher on databases and sheds some light on the back-end systems
we often take for granted. Remote and cloud databases are still a relatively new subject, especially
when relating to how they can be used with mobile applications. Understanding how connections
are made and the ways they are being used in the modern world are important when it comes time
to think through your application and begin coding. While this topic focuses primarily on iCloud
development, it's also important to be aware of other database platforms such as Azure and
MySQL. Most likely, you won't be able avoid these other platforms for long, and cloud databases are
becoming so necessary in today's world, having a general understanding of other systems is crucial.
Anyone who's used a program such as Excel will have some experience with data tables. Having
data broken down into characters and fields and realizing how those interact with one another gives
us a deeper perspective than the average user receives. Also, many of you reading this will also have
experience with some database management system or another, but may not be aware of the many
functions and capabilities of these systems. By gaining a better understanding of cloud services, as
well as the types of databases, you'll be able gain greater clarity on how users will interact with your
database, and how it should be structured. Now let's dig a bit deeper into the cloud.
Explanation of a Remote or Cloud Database
Whether or not you like it, many of the mundane actions you perform throughout the day turn into
data that is stored and used by various organizations. Whether using an automated calculator for
filling out a form on your iPad or ordering a new topic on Amazon, all this data gets compiled and
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