Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The first parameter of this method gives us the UITextField that called it. We start off by calling our
updateDefaultForTextField method and passing it the textField object. We then use the isEqual
method on NSObject: to determine if we are working with the _txtDisplayName object.
If we are, then we call the method becomeFirstResponder on our _txtFavoriteNumber object. This
causes the focus to change to our _txtFavoriteNumber object and displays the keyboard if it is not
already being displayed. The else portion of the statement is used if this method was called
by _txtFavoriteNumber . If that is the case, then we call the resignFirstResponder . This causes
the focus to move from the text field and causes the keyboard to hide.
We are almost done, but we haven't handled the Bar Button Item that we will use to leave the
view. To handle the Close button press, we will add two methods. The first method simply calls our
updateDefaultTextField: method on each of our text fields to handle our saving of the data. We call
this method updateAllTextFields .
-(void)updateAllDefaults {
[self updateDefaultForTextField:_txtDisplayName];
[self updateDefaultForTextField:_txtFavoriteNumber];
Now we add a method called btnClose: that calls our updateAllDefaults method and also
dismisses our view controller, which returns us to our MainViewController . We add another pragma
mark above it for good organization.
#pragma mark - Button Methods
-(IBAction)btnClosePressed:(id)sender {
[self updateAllDefaults];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
The only thing new here is that we are calling an instance method dismissViewControllerAnimated
:completion: against our SettingsViewController . This method has two parameters: a BOOL and a
code block. We want to set the first parameter to YES so that we get the nice reverse animation that
is used when we move to this view. Set the second parameter to nil because we don't want to do
anything once the view has been dismissed.
Back to the Storyboard
The last thing we need to do is make some connections in our storyboard and we will be ready to
test the app. Go ahead and select Main.storyboard in the Project Navigator.
Select MainViewController in the Document Outline.
Expand the View so you can see the Label and the Button.
Ctrl-drag from the Main View Controller to the Label and select lblWelcome .
Select the SettingsViewController in the Document Outline.
Show the Identity Inspector in the Utilities pane.
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