Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 6.2: Add a layer of kitchen waste.
3. Sprinkle a handful of bokashi bran on the layer of kitchen waste. A light dusting is all that is
needed; you do not need a solid layer of bran.
• Ifyourbucketcontainsmeat,sprinkleextrabraninthatarea.Itisbettertoaddtoomuchbran
than too little.
• If you start to smell any bad odors when you add scraps to the bucket, then you need to start
adding more bran.
Fig. 6.3: Scraps covered in bokashi bran.
4. Lightly stir up the contents and compress them.
• Compressingthecontentsensuresadequatecontactbetweenthefoodscrapsandthemicrobes
on the bokashi bran. It also helps to remove any air spaces between the materials and forces
any extra liquid in the system to drain lower.
5. Cover the layer of kitchen waste and bokashi bran with a plastic bag and press down.
• This step isn't mandatory, but I have found that it helps the process to keep scraps covered
until the bucket is completely full.
• Another optional step: Place a brick, a bag of stones, or another heavy object on top of the
bag to help compress the layers.
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