Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 4.8: Bran ready for drying.
13. Once you have successfully fermented the bran into a usable product, you have two options:
you can dry it or you can use it while it's still moist.
a. Todrythebran,spreaditoutinanevenlayeronatarporinacontainer(akiddiepoolworks
well) and let it air dry. Turn it daily to ensure even drying. The bran should take a few days
to dry out. Once dried, it should keep for a year as long as it is stored in dry conditions and
out of direct sunlight or extreme heat. I would suggest storing the bran in an airtight con-
tainer such as a bucket with a gamma lid to keep bugs and moisture out.
b. You can use the bran while it is still moist. If you do, I suggest doing so relatively quickly
unless you store it under controlled conditions. Moist bran can be prone to go moldy (the
harmful kind) unless it is sealed perfectly airtight at all times to maintain an anaerobic
environment. A bucket with a Gamma Seal works well. I would even take an extra step
and keep some plastic pressed down against the surface of the moist bran. When you need
more bokashi bran, take the amount you need off of the top layer and avoid digging around
through the contents and introducing air into the fermenting bran. As long as the moist bran
is kept under anaerobic conditions, its shelf life will be very long, greater than one year. As
it sits it will continue to ferment and increase its microbial count and potency over time.
14. Apply the wet or dry finished bokashi bran as needed to your bokashi composting system.
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