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Fig. 6.1 Pf Q “wiring diagrams” for different computer music applications, a non-exhaustive
set of possibilities. An optional human software controller is depicted to the left of the modular
decomposition; the shared audio environment, denoted Ψ , and placed to the right of the system,
represents all utterances from instrument musicians and other computer music systems. The di-
agram shows eight common computer music systems: A —Audio analysis; B —Audio analysis
with added functionality as provided by f (e.g. real-time score generation); C —Audio synthesis;
D —Generative (Algorithmic) music; E —Live computer music involving a musician-controller
who is able to monitor and adjust the functioning of a largely automatic and reactive system (such
systems have become the accepted practice in live computer music settings); F —Reactive sys-
tem as used, for example, in Sound Installations; G , H —prototype and actual Live Algorithmic
systems. The ideal, wiring H , runs autonomously without the presence of any human control. In
practice, some human attention is often required, as depicted in G
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