Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Women Travellers
Women travelling in the Arabian Peninsula will find they encounter far less harassment than in other Middle Eastern
countries although inappropriate stares remain an issue. It is imperative to dress modestly ( Click here ) both to avoid un-
wanted attention and to avoid causing offence. For more on travelling in the region as a woman, Click here .
All countries except Saudi Arabia and Yemen issue tourist visas on arrival for most nationalities. This changes fre-
quently, however, and it's imperative to check with the relevant embassy or consulate for the latest information.
Currently those with a UAE tourist visa may visit Oman overland without paying for an Omani visa.
The flow of foreigners in, out and around the Peninsula is carefully monitored and strictly controlled. As a result the
visa-application process ranges from fairly simple and straightforward (Oman) to nightmarishly complicated (Saudi Ar-
abia). It also means that if you plan to travel from one country to another, where it involves passing through Saudi, you
need to plan ahead.
An Israeli passport, or an Israeli stamp in your passport, can be a problem. If you have either of these, it's unwise to
leave it to chance as to whether an official will notice it or not.
Passports need to be valid for at least six months beyond your expected departure date from the region. Note also that
most Peninsula countries require you to carry your passport with you at all times. Spot checks occasionally occur.
Collecting Visas
If you've arranged your visa in advance of arrival, make sure you have some proof of it with you before setting off (a
fax or email with the visa number), or you may not be allowed to board your plane let alone enter the country of your
Transit Visas
Saudi Arabia issues transit visas for people travelling overland between Jordan and Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the
UAE or Yemen. These transit visas can be sought from Saudi Arabian embassies in any of these countries with proof of
onward connections beyond Saudi borders. They are not easy to obtain, however, as you often have to show you can't
reach your destination by other means.
Travel Permits
Travel permits are necessary for travelling in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and are obtainable in the countries themselves.
They're also necessary for Omani residents driving to the UAE although this regulation is not uniformly enforced.
Visa Sponsorship
If you cannot obtain a visa to the Peninsula on arrival or through an embassy, you can try to obtain one through a spon-
sor. This can be the hotel where you're planning to stay or a tour company.
In theory, a sponsor is a national of the country you are visiting, who is willing to vouch for your good behaviour and
take responsibility for your departure when you're due to leave. You'll need to send details of your passport and itiner-
ary a couple of weeks in advance to your sponsor. Make sure you obtain confirmation in writing (a fax is suitable) that
your visa will be awaiting your arrival at the relevant airport before you leave.
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