Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Five Pillars of Islam
This is the profession of faith that Muslims publicly declare in every mosque, five times a
day across the land: 'There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet'. To con-
vert to Islam, one needs only to state this with conviction three times.
Websites on Islam
Al-Bab ( ) Comprehensive site providing links to information on and discussions of Islam.
Islamicity ( ) Good reference for non-Muslims interested in Islam.
Muslims are expected to pray five times a day: at sunrise, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and
night (usually 90 minutes after sunset). It's acceptable to pray at home or at the office, ex-
cept for Friday noon prayers, which are performed preferably at a mosque. Prayer in-
volves prostration in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca (arrows in aircraft and in hotel
rooms indicate the right direction) and the ritual recital of passages of the Quran. Before
praying, a Muslim must perform 'ablution' (washing arms, hands, head and feet with wa-
ter or sand) to indicate a willingness to be purified in spirit.
This is the duty of alms giving. Muslims must give a portion of their salary (one-fortieth
of a believer's annual income to be exact) to those in greater need than oneself.
It was during the month of Ramadan that Mohammed received his first revelation in AD
610. Muslims mark this special event each year by fasting from sunrise until sunset
throughout this holy month. During this time, Muslims must abstain from taking anything
into their bodies, whether related to eating, drinking, having sex or smoking. The idea be-
hind the fast is to bring people closer to Allah via spiritual and physical purity.
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