Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
As in many countries travellers cheques can be difficult to change outside the largest
towns (and increasingly even in them). Also, changing them generally incurs a 3% to 5%
commission or more.
Business hours in Yemen vary. Outside the central highlands, where the climate is hotter,
there is often an extended midday break (but businesses open earlier and close later).
Some businesses close at 1pm regardless and re-open around 6pm. It's best to try and get
stuff done in the morning though before 'qat time' kicks in...
Banks 8am to noon Saturday to Thursday, open only until 11am on Thursday
Government offices 8am to 3pm, although in practice many close by 1pm or 1.30pm
Post offices 8.30am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 7pm Saturday to Thursday. Usually open for
an hour from 7pm to 8pm on Friday
Restaurants 7am to 11pm, although they may open earlier and close later in larger towns
Shops&private businesses 9am to noon and 4pm to 8pm Saturday to Thursday. Some
open on Friday as well.
Telecom &internet centres 7am to 11pm
Yemenia 8am to 1pm or 2pm and 5pm to 7pm or 8pm Saturday to Wednesday, 9am to
noon Friday
In addition to the main Islamic holidays, Yemen observes the following holidays:
May/Labour Day 1 May
National/Unity Day 22 May
September Revolutionary/Anniversary Day 26 September
October Revolutionary/Anniversary Day
14 October
Evacuation/Independence Day 30 November
Everyone, except citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, requires a
visa to enter Yemen. Visas are not available on arrival. Visas must be obtained from an
embassy or consulate beforehand and they will only be issued to people on an organised
tour with a recognised Yemeni (or foreign) tour company. This essentially means inde-
pendent travel around Yemen is no longer possible (with the exception of Sanaʻa and So-
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