Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 17.1 Man training employees
Managing human resources is all about helping people reach their maximum potential. Photo
courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
agribusinesses attempt to offer their employees a benefi t program that fi ts their particular needs.
Hence, many benefi t programs offer employees choices of the benefi ts that they desire.
Compensation satisfi es employees' need for security and provides concrete feedback on the
value of their contribution to the organization. Competitive factors, employees' need for recogni-
tion and self-esteem, and the skills and knowledge required all play a part in determining the level
and composition of the total compensation package. The compensation program of the agribusi-
ness fi rm must consider the true cost of compensation in terms of the jobs that need doing. The
fi rm's ability to pay must be measured against the person's productivity. Putting together a
“package” of wages, incentives, and benefi ts requires careful study by management.
Evaluating performance
Performance evaluation is critical to successful human resource management programs.
Managers and employees both benefi t from a carefully conceived and implemented
performance evaluation program. The goals of an employee performance evaluation
program are to:
Improve future performance
Identify employees with untapped potential, in order to help them realize that potential
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