Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
what activities are important to the job. The format of a job description is relatively simple
( Table 17.2 ) :
A brief summary paragraph of the job and the goals it is intended to accomplish
A list of the duties, responsibilities, and attendant authority
A statement defi ning lines of authority
An indication of how and when job performance and standards will be evaluated
While the outline of the job description should be exact enough to provide guidance for the
employee and the supervisor, they should also be fl exible enough to allow for special situa-
tions, emergencies, or minor changes. It seems obvious that fi nding the right person for the
job requires a careful appraisal of the qualities needed by the person fi lling the job, and of
the duties to be performed and responsibilities to be assumed. These steps are clearly the
starting points toward effective HR management.
Table 17.2 Example of a job description
Culpen County Farmers' Co-op: Job Description
Job: Millhand
Brief Description: The primary responsibility of the millhand is to assist customers in unloading and
loading grain, grinding and mixing feed to customer specifi cations, bagging or loading feed onto
trucks, and fi lling customer orders for premixed feed and animal health products. The job will require
signifi cant overtime hours during harvest season. The millhand has a great deal of customer contact
and is responsible for providing friendly, effi cient service to farmers.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Unload and load grain.
2. Grind and mix feed to customer specifi cations as per work order.
3. Load feed.
4. Fill customer orders as per work order.
5. Maintain clean and orderly conditions in stock room feed grinding, and elevator areas at all
6. Sweep and clean all work areas daily.
7. Maintain and enforce all safety regulations at all times.
8. Take inventory of products weekly.
9. Perform routine maintenance of unloading and mixing equipment as scheduled.
10. Maintain helpful, friendly attitude toward customers at all times.
Supervision: Millhands report to and receive instruction from the mill supervisor. The supervisor
will have authority and responsibility for all activities in the elevator and the mill. Suggestions or
complaints should be made through the supervisor.
Evaluation: Performance of millhands will be evaluated semiannually. This evaluation will be
completed by the immediate supervisor, initialed by the general manager, and discussed with the
millhand. This evaluation will establish the millhand's strengths and areas of needed improvement. It
will serve as the basis for wage increases and promotions.
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