Agriculture Reference
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The threat of punishment is another example of extrinsic motivation; in general competition
is extrinsic because it encourages the competitor to win and beat others, not to enjoy the
intrinsic rewards of the activity. Below, we give a brief overview of some widely used
theories of motivation, which provide useful ideas for managing and motivating people in
Maslow's needs hierarchy
Motivation focuses attention on the personal needs of human beings, so some understanding
of human needs is necessary for effective supervision. Psychologist Abraham H. Maslow
developed one widely used model of human needs. Maslow's needs hierarchy is based on
the idea that different kinds of needs have different levels of importance to individuals,
according to the individual's current level of satisfaction ( Figure 16.5) . Usually the needs of
one level must be met before the next level becomes a motivating force. Needs basic to
human survival take priority over other needs, but only until survival has been assured. After
that point, other needs form the basis for the individual's behavior.
Survival . Maslow suggested that every human's most basic concern is physical survival:
food, water, air, warmth, shelter, and so forth. Obviously, humans cannot live unless
these needs are at least minimally fulfi lled. These most basic needs are immediate and
current. It takes only moments for a person gasping for breath to be more concerned
about survival than about anything else in the world. Survival here and now is even
more critical than survival over the days or weeks ahead. For example, the call of “fi re”
prompts immediate action—notions such as fi nancial concerns or etiquette are quickly
Safety . Once immediate survival has been assured, humans become concerned about the
security of their future physical survival. Today, this concern often takes the form of
income guarantees, insurance, retirement programs, and the like. In a depressed agricul-
tural economy, farmers will be more conservative spenders than they would be in more
Ego status
Figure 16.5 Maslow's needs hierarchy
Source: Maslow 2010.
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