Agriculture Reference
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BioAg management is also working to decide just how large the addition to capacity
should be. What suggestions do you have for the fi rm's management? What issues will
they need to consider as they determine how much to expand?
1 This case originally published as Frank Dooley and Jay Akridge, “Supply Chain Management: A
Case Study of Issues for BioAg,” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review , 1(3):
435-441, 1998.
References and additional reading
Alvarez , Valente B. , Winston Bash , Bill Cornelius , Polly Courtney , and Lynn Knipe . “Ensuring Safe
Food—A HACCP-Based Plan for Ensuring Food Safety in Retail Establishments.” Ohio State
University, Food Science and Technology. Bulletin 901, 2010.
Ball , Eldon . “Agricultural Productivity in the United States.” U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Economic Research Service , 2010 .
Dooley , Frank and Jay T. Akridge . “Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Issues for BioAg.”
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review , 1 ( 3 ): 435 - 41 , 1998 .
Krajewski , Lee J. , Larry P. Ritzman , and Manoj K. Halhotra . Operations Management . 9th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall , 2009 .
Schmenner , Roger W . Operations Management from the Inside Out , 5th ed. MacMillan College
Division , 1993 .
U.S. Department of Commerce . “Gross-Domestic-Product-(GDP)-by-Industry Accounts.” Bureau of
Economic Analysis , Washington, DC , 2011 .
World Agricultural Outlook Board. “USDA Agricultural Projections to 2020.” U.S. Department of
Agriculture ,
OCE-2011-1 ,
2011 .
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