Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Build and attach wood framing
Cut, assemble
and install rafters
metal siding
galvanized metal
and install
sliding doors
Dig holes,
install poles
Figure 14.5 Fixed position layout — farm building
large or bulky to move easily or where the item is to be built fi xed in place. Construction is
accomplished in one place, and tools and materials are brought to the assembly location. A
fi xed-position layout eliminates or minimizes the number of times that a product must be
moved, and it is often the only feasible layout solution.
Process design
Process design is selecting the specifi c inputs, operations, and methods that are to be used
to produce the good or service. Decisions concerning process design are very important
because of their implications for cost of production, level of personalized customer service,
convenience, and fl exibility. The fi rst step in process design is outlining a step-by-step
description of each operation that is to be completed. Four general aspects are considered in
process design:
Capital intensity
Resource fl exibility
Vertical integration
Customer involvement
Capital intensity
The determination of capital intensity is simply choosing which tasks humans will perform
and which tasks machines will perform. Many levels of capital intensity are available today
with the advent of new technology and computer-assisted equipment. Hazardous or diffi cult
operations in meat packing companies have been automated reducing the risk of injury
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