Agriculture Reference
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References and additional reading
Anderson , Dave . How to Deal with Diffi cult Customers: 10 Simple Strategies for Selling to the
Stubborn, Obnoxious, and Belligerent . Hoboken, NJ : J. Wiley & Sons , 2007 .
Lent , Robin , Geneviè ve Tour , and Alain-Dominique Perrin . Selling Luxury: Connect with Affl uent
Customers, Create Unique Experiences Through Impeccable Service, and Close the Sale . Hoboken,
NJ : Wiley , 2009 .
Levinson , Jay Conrad , Jeannie Levinson , and Amy Levinson . Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and
Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profi ts from Your Small Business . 4th ed. Boston, MA :
Houghton Miffl in , 2007 .
Peters , Tom . Thriving on Chaos . Excel/A California Limited Partnership , 1987 .
Porter , Michael E . Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competition . New
York : The Free Press , 1980 .
— — , Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance . New York : The Free
Press , 1985 .
Ries , Al and Jack Trout . Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind . New York : Warner Books , 1982 .
Walker , Orville C. and John W. Mullins . Marketing Strategy: A Decision-focused Approach .
New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2011 .
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