Database Reference
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insertByCityIndex(newYorkKey, WALDORF_NAME);
//use Valueless Column pattern
private void insertByCityIndex(String rowKey, String hotelName)
throws Exception {
Clock clock = new Clock(System.nanoTime());
Column nameCol = new Column(hotelName.getBytes(UTF8),
new byte[0], clock);
ColumnOrSuperColumn nameCosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn();
nameCosc.column = nameCol;
Mutation nameMut = new Mutation();
nameMut.column_or_supercolumn = nameCosc;
//set up the batch
Map<String, Map<String, List<Mutation>>> mutationMap =
new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>();
Map<String, List<Mutation>> muts =
new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>();
List<Mutation> cols = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
String columnFamily = "HotelByCity";
muts.put(columnFamily, cols);
//outer map key is a row key
//inner map key is the column family name
mutationMap.put(rowKey, muts);
//create representation of the column
ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath(columnFamily);
ColumnParent parent = new ColumnParent(columnFamily);
//here, the column name IS the value (there's no value)
Column col = new Column(hotelName.getBytes(UTF8), new byte[0], clock);
client.insert(rowKey.getBytes(), parent, col, CL);
LOG.debug("Inserted HotelByCity index for " + hotelName);
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