Database Reference
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key: Spring Training
phone: 623-333-3333,
desc: Fun for baseball fans.
}, //end of Cambria row
SCkey: (UTF8) Waldorf=Astoria
key: Central Park
desc: Walk around. It's pretty.
key: Empire State Building
phone: 212-777-7777,
desc: Great view from the 102nd floor.
The PointOfInterest super column family has two super columns, each named for a different
hotel (Cambria Suites Hayden and Waldorf=Astoria). The row keys are names of different points
of interest, such as “Phoenix Zoo” and “Central Park”. Each row has columns for a description
(the “desc” column); some of the rows have a phone number, and some don't. Unlike relational
tables, which group rows of identical structure, column families and super column families group
merely similarrecords.
Using the CLI, we could query a super column family like this:
cassandra> get PointOfInterest['Central Park']['The Waldorf=Astoria']['desc']
=> (column=desc, value=Walk around in the park. It's pretty.,
This query is asking: in the PointOfInterest column family (which happens to be defined as
type Super ), use the row key “Central Park”; for the super column named “Waldorf=Astoria”,
get me the value of the “desc” column (which is the plain language text describing the point of
Composite Keys
There is an important consideration when modeling with super columns: Cassandra does not in-
dex subcolumns, so when you load a super column into memory, all of its columns are loaded as
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