Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To get help for the command-line interface, type helpor ?to see the list of available commands.
The following list shows only the commands related to metadata and configuration; there are
other commands for getting and setting values that we explore later.
[default@Keyspace1] help
List of all CLI commands:
? Display this message.
help Display this help.
help <command> Display detailed, command-specific help.
connect <hostname>/<port> Connect to thrift service.
use <keyspace> [<username> 'password'] Switch to a keyspace.
describe keyspace <keyspacename> Describe keyspace.
exit Exit CLI.
quit Exit CLI.
show cluster name Display cluster name.
show keyspaces Show list of keyspaces.
show api version Show server API version.
create keyspace <keyspace> [with <att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]]
Add a new keyspace with the specified attribute and value(s).
create column family <cf> [with <att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]]
Create a new column family with the specified attribute and value(s).
drop keyspace <keyspace> Delete a keyspace.
drop column family <cf> Delete a column family.
rename keyspace <keyspace> <keyspace_new_name> Rename a keyspace.
rename column family <cf> <new_name> Rename a column family.
Connecting to a Server
Starting the client this way does not automatically connect to a Cassandra server instance. So to
connect to a particular server after you have started Cassandra this way, use the connectcom-
eben@morpheus:~/books/cassandra/dist/apache-cassandra-0.7.0-beta1$ bin/cassandra-cli
Welcome to cassandra CLI.
Type 'help' or '?' for help. Type 'quit' or 'exit' to quit.
[default@unknown] connect localhost/9160
Connected to: "Test Cluster" on localhost/9160
As a shortcut, you can start the client and connect to a particular server instance by passing the
host and port parameters at startup, like this:
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