Database Reference
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An in-memory representation of data that has been recently written. Once the memtable is
full, it is flushed to disk as an SSTable .
Merklle T
e Tree
Perhaps better known as a “hash tree,” a Merkle tree is a binary tree data structure that sum-
marizes in short form the data in a larger dataset. In a hash tree, the leaves are the data blocks
(typically files on a filesystem) to be summarized. Every parent node in the tree is a hash of
its direct child node, which tightly compacts the summary.
org.apache.cassandra.utils.MerkleTree class.
Merkle trees are used in Cassandra to ensure that the peer-to-peer network of nodes receives
data blocks unaltered and unharmed. They are used in cryptography as well to verify the con-
tents of files and transmissions, and are used in the Google Wave product. They are named
for their inventor, Ralph Merkle.
Query by column name for a set of keys.
Mullttiiget S
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Query to get a subset of columns for a set of keys.
An instance of Cassandra. Typically a Cassandra cluster will have many nodes, sometimes
collectively called the node ring, or just “the ring.” A node refers to any Cassandra server in
a cluster, whereas “replica” refers to a node that specifically has a copy of some data from
another node.
Node T
e Tooll
This is an executable file with the path bin/nodetoolthat inspects a cluster to determine
whether it is properly configured and performs a variety of maintenance operations. The
commands available on nodetool are cleanup , clearsnapshot , compact , cfstats , de-
commission , drain , flush , info , loadbalance , move , repair , ring , snapshot [snap-
shotname] , removetoken , and tpstats .
For example, you can use nodetool drain to prevent the commit log from accepting any
new writes.
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