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This should compile and install Boost. Now, to build Thrift, run a series of commands as root
from the Thrift home directory:
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ ./make
$ ./make install
$ cd lib/py
$ ./make
Now run the command $whichthrift. This will tell you where Thrift installed. On my system,
this is /usr/local/bin/thrift.
On Ubuntu Linux, you might see an error such as “autoscan: not found” when trying to install Thrift.
Autoscan is also not available via yum or apt-get. In order to get autoscan, which the Thrift bootstrap
needs, you'll have to run this command: $ sudo apt-get install automake . You can tell whether
you have autoscan installed by executing the command $which autoscan . If it returns nothing, you
don't have it.
If Thrift is installed properly, you should be able to run the Thrift program and see help output:
$ thrift -version
Thrift version 0.2.0-exported
Put your site-packagesdirectory on the Python path:
$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
Now you can navigate to the <cassandra-home>directory. Run the following command to gen-
erate the Thrift interfaces for Python:
$ ant gen-thrift-py
You should see a successful build message. Now you'll have the Cassandra Thrift interfaces for
Python generated in the directory <cassandra-home>/interfaces/thrift/gen-py. Copy this direct-
ory to <cassandra-home>/contrib/py_stress. Now just make sure that your Cassandra server is
started, and you're ready to run the Python stress test.
Running the Python Stress Test
Now that we're all set up, we can run the stress test. Navigate to the <cassandra-home>/contrib/
py_stressdirectory. In a terminal, type to run the test against localhost .
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