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Address Status Load Range Ring
134439585115453215112331952664863163581 Up 3.53 KB 41654880048427970483049687892424207188 |<--| Up 2.95 KB 134439585115453215112331952664863163581 |-->|
Decommissioning a Node
Decommissioninga node means pulling it out of service. When you call decommission on No-
detool, you're calling the decommission operation on Cassandra's StorageService class.
Say that we have two nodes in the ring:
eben@morpheus$ bin/nodetool -host ring
Address Status Load Range Ring
134439585115453215112331952664863163581 Up 4.17 KB 41654880048427970483049687892424207188 |<--| Up 3.59 KB 134439585115453215112331952664863163581 |-->|
Now we want to decommission the 1.7 node. You can issue the decommission argument to No-
detool to pull one of the nodes out of service, as shown here:
$ bin/nodetool decommission -h
After issuing this command, it will wait for some time, as configured. By default, this is 30
seconds. Nodetool won't print anything further, but the server logs will. On our 1.5 node—the
node that we're keeping—we see the following output after issuing the decommission com-
DEBUG 13:59:00,488 Disseminating load info ...
DEBUG 13:59:40,010 Node / state leaving, token
DEBUG 13:59:40,022 Pending ranges:
DEBUG 14:00:00,488 Disseminating load info ...
DEBUG 14:00:10,184 Running on default stage
DEBUG 14:00:10,184 StreamInitiateVerbeHandler.doVerb STREAM_INITIATE 4084
DEBUG 14:00:10,187 no data needed from /
DEBUG 14:00:10,551 Node / state left, token
DEBUG 14:00:10,552 No bootstrapping or leaving nodes -> empty pending ranges for
INFO 14:00:18,049 InetAddress / is now dead.
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