Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure9-4.The jconsole login
From here, you can simply double-click on the value org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cas-
sandraDaemon under the Local Process section if you're monitoring a node on the same ma-
chine. If you want to monitor a node on a different machine, check the Remote Process radio
button, then enter the host and port you want to connect to. Cassandra JMX by default broad-
casts on port 8080, so you can enter a value like the one shown here and then hit Connect:
If you have trouble with this, make sure that you don't have something else running on port 8080, as
that's a popular port for tools such as Apache Tomcat.
Once you've connected to a server, the default view includes four major categories about your
server's state, which are updated constantly:
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