Database Reference
In-Depth Information
"response": "null",
"errors": ["InvalidRequestException", "UnavailableException",
The JSON format is concise and easy to read. You can see, for example, that there are at least
two kinds of messages, one representing a get request and the other representing an insert re-
quest. The exceptions possible for each type are packaged with their messages.
The meaning of each exception is discussed earlier in Thrift .
Avro Ant Targets
The Cassandra build.xmlile defines two Ant targets that are executed when Cassandra is com-
piled from source, which is made possible by avro-1.2.0-dev.jarin the Cassandra libdirectory.
These targets are shown in the following listing:
Generate avro code
<target name=" check-avro-generate ">
<uptodate property="avroUpToDate"
targetfile="${interface.avro.dir}/org/apache/cassandra/avro/" />
<taskdef name="protocol"
<classpath refid="cassandra.classpath" />
<taskdef name=" schema " classname="org.apache.avro.specific.SchemaTask">
<classpath refid="cassandra.classpath" />
<taskdef name=" paranamer "
<classpath refid="cassandra.classpath" />
<target name=" avro-generate " unless="avroUpToDate"
<echo>Generating avro code...</echo>
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